柏居科技 和派拉蒙软件解决方案 partner to provide IT and Third Party Maintenance support to the State of Georgia


140个公共部门实体受益于高质量, 24/7 support and predictive monitoring services for post-warranty servers and storage hardware

2019年5月21日 -柏坊科技, the world’s largest post-warranty data center maintenance firm, 和派拉蒙软件解决方案, one of Georgia’s leading and proven IT services firm for the public and private sector in the U.S.,今天宣布建立战略合作伙伴关系. The relationship will provide IT support and solutions to the state of Georgia. 在一起, 柏居科技 and Paramount will provide exclusive End of Life (EOL) server and storage maintenance for 140 public sector entities across the state. This strategic partnership leverages two leading companies’ respective strengths in providing breakthrough IT services and solutions for post-warranty maintenance to enhance productivity, maximize uptime and reduce costs without minimizing the quality of service.

柏居科技 will provide post-warranty third-party maintenance support on servers and storage hardware for various entities within Georgia, with Paramount providing technical consulting and solutions along with project management, 数字营销, 应用程序开发和集成支持. 在一起, these organizations will support various entities including Georgia’s Department of Motor Vehicles, 佐治亚技术学院系统, 劳工部, 等.

“派拉蒙软件解决方案’ 20+ year proven track record of providing high-quality technical services and IT recruiting solutions, combined with its steadfast commitment to customer and employee centricity seamlessly aligns with our core values, 让他们成为理想的伴侣,克里斯·亚当斯说, 总裁兼首席执行官, 柏居科技. “This partnership enables us to serve a broader range of 客户, 特别是那些在公共部门工作的人, while creating additional growth opportunities for our business. We look forward to working with Paramount to bring our award-winning proactive maintenance services and support to 140 Georgia-based entities through this partnership.”

When critical infrastructure systems experience any downtime in data center environments, this can yield stressful and costly consequences for a business.

通过这种伙伴关系, 柏居科技 and Paramount have strategic teams and processes in place to not only keep costs low without compromising the quality of service, while maximizing uptime by providing 24/7 access to critical care for data centers and related infrastructure 365 days per year – resulting in a guaranteed 50% cost savings compared to manufacturers. 另外, 作为合作的一部分, 这140家实体将受益于侨福™, 柏居科技的获奖作品, AI-driven主动, 预测性远程监控十大赌博正规老平台.

“We are thrilled to partner with 柏居科技 as we join forces and combine our IT expertise and service capabilities to support the state of Georgia,普拉莫德·萨贾说, 总裁兼首席执行官, 派拉蒙软件解决方案. “This partnership is another significant milestone in our journey as we build upon the strong foundation we’ve established in Georgia. Aside from 柏居科技’ renowned product and servicing capabilities, we were immediately impressed by the team’s utmost level of professionalism, 响应能力和以客户为中心的方法, making them a natural fit to partner with on this exciting initiative. We look forward to pairing these entities with the advanced technologies and maintenance solutions 柏居科技 offers.”

柏居科技 and Paramount’s contract with the state of Georgia began on April 1, 2019 and will continue as part of a three-year project with the potential for seven one-year renewal options.


成立于1991年, 柏居科技 provides a post-warranty alternative to storage, server and 网working hardware maintenance for IT data centers. 全天候的全球联络中心, support from the industry’s most advanced engineers and a wide array of industry leading and award-winning services such as ParkViewTM, 柏居科技 empowers its 客户 to improve operational speed and maximize uptime. 有超过16个,000客户, 包括所有一级原始设备制造商, 柏居科技的十大赌博正规老平台遍布55个国家,在140多个国家/地区拥有5000多个数据中心.

欲了解更多信息,请访问 6b0p.butterfly-wall-art.com.


成立于1997年, Paramount is an ISO 9001: 2015 certified IT solutions firm providing world-class technical and IT recruiting services in government and the private sector. 派拉蒙开发了 time-tested methodologies in its dynamic approach towards its solutions offerings that ensure high quality client deliverables. Paramount has been the recipient of many prestigious recognitions, including the INC.美国发展最快的5000家私营公司, Best and The Brightest Companies to Work for® – Atlanta & 国家, 《十大赌博平台排行榜》杂志评选的IT行业最佳工作场所, Atlanta Business Chronicle’s Best Places to Work and many more. The company has over 200 employees based in the United States, 拥有多种专业技术.

欲了解更多信息,请访问 http://paramountsoft.网

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